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MoGH Projects


Our Milestones and current events


  • January 2013 – 7.5% execution of the medical mission to Kenya, 92.5% to be completed summer 2013 after getting more resources
  • October 27th 2012, fundraising event in Raleigh for medical mission to Kenya
  • October 2012 - MoGH President and the MoGH Medical Director Mrs. Josephine Mokaya held a significant meeting with the UN Ambassador Dr. Josephine Ojiambo, the permanent representative Kenya Mission to the United Nations, New York in New York City regarding MoGH.
  • September 2012 – Isaac appeared on a local TV Programming – The Trumpet and gave interview as a local community leader and highlighted about MoGH.
  • July 21st 2012 – MoGH Annual General Meeting held at Cameron Village Library. Internal Training offered by Dr. Ben Seo a senior scientist at a local plant, also a board member with MoGH.
  • June 2012, partnered with medical team from Wilson NC and Raleigh NC
  • May 2012 – 990 Tax forms filed with IRS for year 2011
  • April 2012, Collaborated with WaterReclaim Inc – Wake Forest on a water bubbler machine for IlBissil girls high school – Kajiado.
  • October - November 2011 – Isaac traveled to Kenya on a physical evaluation tour to the MoGH project sites. He met with staff members, school committees and spoke to hundreds of school students about water at Bissil township primary, ilbissil girls secondary, Runyenje's Salvation army, and potential beneficiaries of MoGH projects among others.
  • Isaac also, had a meeting with program manager of the Green Belt movement founded by the late Hon. Prof. Wangari Muta Mathai on potential MoGH partnerships, held talks with the Nairobi Mayor His Worship Cllr. George Aladwa Omwera regarding Nairobi Sister City in the efforts of improving global peace and development. MoGH acknowledges the work of Sister City International where Isaac also serves as a volunteer Vice President under the Nairobi Sister City International.
  • Isaac was distinguished as the guest of honor at Lari Hills Academy – Lari – Limuru Uplands-Kenya during a graduation ceremony. A need to assist their orphan food program was identified as the MoGH vision was shared to the school community. Local member of parliament was among the dignitaries.
  • July 16th 2011, Bible drive fundraiser in Raleigh for the Hope Restoration Church – Kasarani – Nairobi
  • May 2011, 990 Tax forms filed with IRS
  • January 31st 2011 MoGH president discussed the final analysis about the recently completed tank project with the ground project director Mrs. Komu and the head teacher Mr. Nayiahah. The head teacher invites anyone interested to visit the school and have some water from the tank. The tank was officially commissioned in January 2011 after the school reopened. Children, teachers, and local clergy also displayed their gratitude for the tank. The school and together with the parents granted permission and approved Myles of Great Hopes to use pictures from this successful project on its face book fun page, website, other electronic media as well as email to its potential donors.
  • December 27th 2010 - Tank project completed. MoGH receives an email letter from Il-Bissil head teacher appreciating the organization and its donors. The head teacher continues to advocate for more assistance with classroom desks, classroom construction and computers for educational-technological advancement to the students
  • November 6th 2010 - MoGH's second fundraiser to fulfill water tank goal for Ill-Bissil Primary School
  • June 26th 2010 - First MoGH's fundraising event.
  • May 29th 2010 MoGH presentation to a much diversified audience gathered for the Madaraka celebrations in North Carolina. Venue - 4400 Old Poole Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610.
  • May 13th 2010 990 tax form filed with IRS for 2009 tax year
  • October 17th 2009 Officially launched to the public. Venue - the Cameron Village Library in Raleigh, NC
  • May 2009 - Officially approved as 501 (3) ( c )
  • September 2008 Originally registered with the Secretary of State, (SoS)


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