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Volunteers & Inspirations


Donating ones time is a good way to feel like one has the power to change things for the better. In MoGH volunteering has given us an opportunity to change and touch lives including our own. You learn about other people while they learn about you. Besides all that, you make a difference. As a volunteer, you provide a service through MoGH without financial remuneration and for the benefit of the community. And because of your volunteer-ship, you inspire a person, a village, a community, and the society at large. MoGH appreciates your volunteer-ship with us; our board members are all volunteers, none is paid.


Why volunteer with us!!


Your volunteer-ship could be driven by more than one reason. It could be among the highlighted ones, we would love to know why you will want to volunteer with us…. please fill our contact form and let us know why?


  • 1. It's your calling
  • 3. it's a requirement from your job
  • 5. Increase your network
  • 7. Takes you out of ordinary life and helps you refocus
  • 9. Taking meaningful action
  • 11. Fulfilling and great karma
  • 13. For your resume
  • 15. Because it's human nature
  • 17. Because you care
  • 19. To acquire a skill
  • 2. you love to help people
  • 4. Drive to make a difference
  • 6. To give back and soul redemption
  • 8. It's one of your principle
  • 10. Because you can
  • 12. Discover yourself
  • 14. Keep fit and save money
  • 16. Because you've seen people drink dart water or live in a shack
  • 18. It's fun
  • 20. To meet diverse people and learn about other cultures


Who can volunteer?

We welcome anyone from any background, ethnicity or gender to come and volunteer with us. Your service is unique, needed, and will be highly appreciated. As an added pointer, we encourage students to use their leadership roles and lead a group of fellow students to come volunteer as a block; it's fun. Please use our contact form online to register your interest.